Wednesday 9 July 2014

It begins with the Bastard....

So the folks here at Clockwork Wargaming are rather fond of the game of Warmachine and we do play rather a lot of it, despite only having a small gaming community (currently 4 of us) so we decided to share our love of the game with the wilds of the interwebs and tell people about our learnings and paintings and general antics as we romp around the iron kingdoms smashing things.
As the instigator of this all I thought i would make a start with actually getting some things painted so our battle reports look all nice and pretty (well hopefully).
So here we have my initial list that i pledge to have painted first, and I promise not to buy any more toys until these are all done (something I'm sure all hobbyists have said at some point).

We have in 25 points:
Goreshade The Bastard  (with the lovely death walker) currently unpainted.
Stalker bonejack - unpainted.
Stalker bonejack - unpainted
Pistol Wraith - Painted
Pistol Wraith - Painted
Bane Lord Tartarus - Painted
Minimum Bane Thralls with UA - 8 of 8 Painted
Minimum Bane Thralls - 6 of 6 Unpainted
Summoned Bane Thralls - 4 of 6 Painted

So we have loads of work to do on these chaps, especially as I have a very large commission on my desk right now, but in between Nazi zombies we shall get some done!

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